【双语新闻】河南建立15处典型古生物化石群落 发现8000余处化石点
2023-05-09 20:41:28 大河网


Over 8,000 fossil sites discovered in Henan so far

河南建立15处典型古生物化石群落 发现8000余处化石点

Central China"s Henan province has established 15 typical paleontological fossil communities (5 at the world level, 4 at the national level, and 6 at or below the provincial level), which are protected in the forms of nature reserves, geological parks, and geological and cultural villages (towns), said a source from Henan Geological Bureau on May 8.


Henan is rich in paleontological fossils with complete categories. Up to now, more than 300 biostratigraphic sections have been established, more than 8,000 fossil sites have been discovered, more than 3,600 kinds of specimens have been discovered and identified (including 1,351 type specimens), and 290 major paleontological fossil zones have been surveyed and planned.

河南古生物化石十分丰富,门类齐全。截至目前,全省共建立了300余处生物地层剖面,发现8000余处化石点,已发现并鉴定的标本3600余种,其中模式标本1351种,调查规划古生物化石集中产地290处。(中文来源/河南日报 记者/宋敏 编译/杨佳欣 审校/张军平)
